The new safer gambling initiative
Top gambling operators in the UK have all committed to take part in a new safer gambling initiative that is designed to reduce gambling harm to both young people and legal age gamblers alike.

Top gambling operators in the UK have all committed to take part in a new safer gambling initiative that is designed to reduce gambling harm to both young people and legal age gamblers alike.
Huge gambling operators are involved, including Aspers, Bet365 Casino, GVC, Sky Betting and William Hill Vegas.
The first action of this initiative is to set up a programme that aims to educate young people about gambling related issues. This programme will be developed and delivered by gambling charities like GamCare.
The safer gambling initiative will also affect the way that operators can market gambling, which will affect affiliate partnerships and sponsorships too. Plans for a new code of conduct will ensure that these do not promote gambling harm, and this will be reported on regularly.
This news comes out days after a group of MPs called for stricter rules for online gambling websites, criticising the Gambling Commission as “Not fit for purpose”.
Earlier this year, the responsible gambling campaign “When the fun stops, stop” was criticised for its ineffeciveness. This new partnership between the countries biggest gambling operators and the charities GamCare and Young Gamers & Gamblers Education Trust will hopefully have a more positive reception and better results for reducing gambling harm.
Catch up on all of our RGW19 content:
- Day 1: The 5 Ws of Responsible Gambling Week
- Day 2: How can you keep track of time when gambling?
- Day 4: How Does GamStop Work?
Day 5: The Loot Box Debate - Day 6: Are you aware that you're gambling?
- Day 7: The Four Degrees of Gambling Separation
If you’re at all worried about your gambling habits then please visit Gamcare for advice and support. Remember to check out the week of RGWeek2019 content by visiting @RGWeek19 and using the hashtag #RGWeek19.
We have a number of playing guides that can help you identify a gambling problem or assist you with gambling responsibly: