Experts Urge Against the Practice of Giving Lottery Tickets as Gifts to Kids
The National Council on Problem Gambling (NCPG) and McGill University’s International Centre for Youth Gambling Problems and High-Risk Behaviours, have announced that lottery tickets are not a suitable gift for children.

Lottery tickets are not a suitable gift for children this Christmas. In fact, the National Council on Problem Gambling (NCPG) and McGill University’s International Centre for Youth Gambling Problems and High-Risk Behaviours, have announced support for their ongoing initiative, the 2023 gift responsibility campaign.
The campaign
The 2023 Gift Responsibly Campaign includes over 80 global community organisations and over 60 global lotteries. The campaign is endorsed by NASPL, the World Lottery Association and European Lotteries. In the US and Canada, all eligible lotteries participate, as do other lotteries across the world.
Their combined message driving this initiative, which is in its sixth consecutive year, is that lottery tickets or products are not suitable presents for children or teenagers.
According to the NCPG, the goals of the campaign are to:
- Educate communities on the dangers of buying lottery tickets for children.
- Raise awareness about the risks of youth gambling.
- Support responsible gambling practices while remaining neutral about legalised
It also aims to educate others about the importance of responsible gambling and provides education to adults as well as training retail employees, adding signs in shops to highlight the risks and social media messages.
Gambling may start in childhood
The NCPG states that according to research, the earlier someone participates in gambling or has exposure to gambling, “The more likely they are to develop a gambling problem later in life.” They say that it’s never appropriate to buy a lottery ticket for a child, and they focus on the promotion of responsible gambling.
The 2023 Gift Responsibly Campaign highlights the risks of buying lottery tickets for children as gifts or otherwise and aims to raise awareness of the risks of exposing children or teens to lottery tickets and gambling. Quite simply, adults must be aware of the risks and impact of buying lottery tickets for young people as they are not suitable or responsible gifts.
Not suitable for children
The campaign runs throughout November and December as this is the holiday season, and adults may be more likely to purchase lottery tickets for children as presents.
NCPG’s executive director, Keith Whyte, said, “The Gift Responsibly campaign stands out as one of the largest international responsible gambling awareness campaigns, underlining our collective commitment to safeguarding youth and promoting responsible gambling practices worldwide.”
He added, “With the growing social acceptability and opportunities available for gambling on an international level, it is important to remember that even young people may experience gambling-related problems.”
You can sign up to participate in the campaign or find further information on the NCPG website.