The 5 Best Record-Breaking Bingo Games
People who have played bingo with the sole purpose of becoming record breakers.
We all know how fun bingo is. It’s a place to meet old friends, make new friends and hopefully take home a few quid – possibly more.
Whether you prefer to play online, with buddies or in a classic bingo hall, it’s a game that gets the adrenaline going and is a right laugh.
But, have you ever considered playing with 5 million other players? Or are you willing to climb 17,500 ft above sea level to win a jackpot?
Probably not, but we’ve found some people who have played bingo, all in the name of breaking records.
1. Biggest bingo game in an office
In 2012 a bunch of colleagues went bingo crazy, beating a world record for the biggest bingo game in an office.
While many office workers simply go to the pub on a Friday for a burger and a beer, these folk in the Philippines obviously love a bit of group bingo, gathering 97 employees in one office to play at once.
Sounds like a great team building activity to us!
2. Quickest online bingo winner
In 2010, a bloke named Darryl Howe scooped a William Hill Bingo jackpot of £18k just minutes after setting up an account to play bingo online.
In just 23 calls, he got a full house on his 15-numbered card.
Don’t get too excited though – experts say there was only a one in 93 billion chance of it happening. But it’s good to dream big, right?
3. Playing with the biggest balls
Erm, what?
Gala Bingo was behind a world record attempt, which involved throwing enormous (60.1cm) bingo balls out of windows, down the Manchester-based set of Coronation Street.
They did it in 2014 to raise awareness and cash for Male Cancer Awareness charity. Thankfully, nobody ballsed it up.
4. Coke-fuelled chaos
In Tokyo, Coca-Cola’s online community (Coca-Cola Park) beat a world record when nearly five million people played online bingo together (2010).
That’s right – 493,824 bingo enthusiasts all playing at once.
Picture the virtual chaos!
5. Climb every mountain
You can't accuse these colleagues of not aiming high.
Staff at bingo firm Gala Coral climbed Mount Everest to beat a world record we never thought existed – playing their favourite game 17,500 ft above sea level.
That’s the altitude, folks.
Bet they felt on top of the world after making £100k for a great cause back in 2009 – and quite shattered on the way down.
So there you have it. Around the world, players agree bingo beats other games, hands down. Or should that be eyes down?